
Voegwoorde, also known as conjunctions, are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses together in a sentence. Here are some common voegwoorde and their English translations:

  1. En – And
  2. Maar – But
  3. Of – Or
  4. Want – Because
  5. Dus – So/Therefore
  6. Toe – Then
  7. Omdat – Because
  8. Alhoewel – Although
  9. Terwyl – While
  10. Voordat – Before

These words are used to link ideas, show cause and effect, provide contrast or addition, and express relationships between different parts of a sentence. It is important to use them correctly to ensure clarity in your writing.

Here are some examples of how voegwoorde can be used in sentences:

  1. Ek is moeg, maar ek wil nie gaan slaap nie. (I am tired, but I don’t want to go to sleep.)
  2. Hy het hard gestudeer, want hy wou goeie punte kry. (He studied hard because he wanted to get good grades.)
  3. Die winkels is toe, dus moet ons wag. (The shops are closed, so we have to wait.)
  4. Ek het die boek gelees, toe het ek ‘n resensie geskryf. (I read the book, then I wrote a review.)
  5. Omdat dit reën, kan ons nie buite speel nie. (Because it is raining, we can’t play outside.)
  6. Alhoewel hy baie moeg is, gaan hy nie slaap nie. (Although he is very tired, he won’t go to sleep.)
  7. Terwyl sy hardloop, roep sy vir haar vriende. (While she is running, she calls out to her friends.)
  8. Hy gaan eers studeer voordat hy gaan uitgaan. (He will study first before going out.)

These examples demonstrate how voegwoorde are used to join ideas and create connections between different parts of a sentence. By using voegwoorde effectively, you can enhance the flow and coherence of your writing.